PhD Supervision

A world-leading advanced multidisciplinary PhD Supervision Support

As part of the International Doctoral Training School (IDTS) programme in the PhD Supervision support we provide in Worldhero 3E, we run similar support on Sigma-Z Consulting. This brings together innovative data analysis and the steps of an advanced research programme. Please see the full remits of this programme in

Some questions at issue in traditional PhD research

Why do some people acquire PhDs that are personally, organisationally or nationally useless? Why do some parts of the world still remain underdeveloped even when they produce competitively knowledgeable scholars and knowledge workers? How do we fix these malaises in the development of researchers in those environments and globally?

Innovations in PhD research and supervision

Through this programme we practically deploy disciplinary knowledge in real-life situations, through killer products, services, and enterprises, especially for non-professional disciplines.

We use a novel Research Methods Canvas(c) help researchers originate, formulate and implement world-beating PhD research,  which make substantial  contributions to theory, research, practice, and policy.

This canvas mandates a far deeper set of contributions to knowledge, based on seven main criteria of originality, only the first three of which are typically used to rate traditional PhD topics for excellence.

Innovations in PhD research

These include:

  • Co-creation of the topics to suit the corporate-academic interests of both students and supervisors;
  • Deeper articulation of the problem statement, linked to appropriate local contexts, Global Issues and World Systems;
  • Approximately (70:30 or 80:20)% balance between theory and practice, respectively;
  • A fractal design of the PhD thesis structure which enables fast completion and publications during and after the research;
  • Deep training on key research and enterprise development skills not done this way before in conventional academia;
  • Developing enabling models, frameworks, products, services, policy blueprints, case illustrations, spin-off enterprises, and pedagogical innovations, as appropriate;
  • A deeper reflection on the nature of future work, and why it matters;
  • An articulation of wider dissemination plans, beyond outstanding academic journal publications;
  • An annual International School on Advanced Research Methods and Software Training, organised in key locations globally and online webinars;
  • Involving PhD students in myriad consulting and teaching engagements related to their areas of specialisation, as appropriate.


For more details, please contact us at:

Email: or through Tel. no:  +447772632150 to speak to the Director of Research and Enterprise Development, Dr Patrick Oseloka EZEPUE